Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Is it Christmas yet?

I finally got around to starting my Christmas shopping. I was waiting to find out if my cousin was coming up or not. She and her new husband have three kids between them, but I do not ship! If the kiddies want presents, they must get them in person! I always reimburse them for gas, but I do not get joy out of shopping, wrapping, finding appropriate shipping boxes and then standing in line at the post office. Getting old allows one to be cranky that way!

The house is decorated (for the most part) for our Christmas party on Saturday night. I always send invitations and get responses, but they never match up when the event actually takes place. Fortunately, I work where everyone is looking for free food, so any of the HUGE amount of leftovers I always have will be put to good use. I know some of my employees really can use the help of extra food, not only at Christmas. You don't have to work retail or fast food to be working poor. sigh

G-Dubya also just granted us Feds the 24th as a holiday this year. I had already planned on working, so this was a nice bonus. Doesn't change my feelings about his incompetence as a leader, but you take the little things that you can!

Have a wonderful holiday season (regardless of how you do or do not celebrate!), and may your days be merry and bright!

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