Friday, September 28, 2007

Still waiting!

I have no clue if anyone is reading this or not (is there a "hit" button that lets you know? I'm clueless in this regard!), but I mentioned that I am waiting on word to see if I get a leadership program spot. We were told after the telephone interview (mid-August) that we would know by September 1st. Well, it's a little past that. Although I would love this opportunity, I will not die if I don't get it. But there are several other positions I would apply for, but I don't want to until I know one way or the other about this one. We'll see what Monday brings! If anyone is reading, have you ever been in this position? What would you do?


Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's Official!

My partner and I now join the ranks of the gays who might be protected from their seemier family members! On Thursday we signed our wills. Washington State recently passed a domestic partnership law, and we will also be submitting that paperwork! $750.00 for the will (only because our lawyer is an old friend of T's) and $50.00 for the domestic partnership papers! What a bargain! Of course, a traditional wedding (at a Justice o' the Peace) would have been cheaper, and we may have been able to have a reception and get gifts, but that would be a "special right" and who wants those?

At least the babies won't have to worry about being orphaned now!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Faith is Being Restored!

I don't consider myself an elitist, but sometimes I wonder where our society is headed. The current media frenzy over the naughty, nasty antics of politicians and celebrities just won't stop. Many years ago I chose to no longer watch the news because I was tired of all the cynicism and apathy that was being marketed in an attractive package. I figured if something was actually worthy of my interest, it would be discussed out on the smoke deck. Turns out I was right! Call me the laissez faire viewer!

Being an independent thinker, I also worry about the effects this mass-market journalism will have on those viewers who are too consumed with thoughts of themselves (and how they will be perceived) to form their own opinions. Being new to blogging (including reading them on a regular basis), I have found that many others share my love for a good debate and question that which does not appear to be all that it seems. Even if I hover in the shadows, the public display of intelligence is refreshing. Even if no one reads my little freshman effort, I will still have the freedom to hang with the more established fellas (as it were) and bask in the brainwaves.

Thank you bloggers!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Hunt for New Employment

Since I've been with the government almost 11 years, the only positions I ever applied for were promotions from within. I have received more than my fair share. My partner, on the other hand, has had to change jobs many times. He has been with the County for over five years, but is getting tired of the 60-mile a day commute in really bad traffic. So he is looking for employment closer...employment that is still with a government entity as I have been hounding him that he needs a pension! Because of my work, I hear too many sad stories of folks that don't plan ahead and end up with very little when they should be enjoying their golden years.

The point is, we have all been in that position where we need to find gainful employment. The interview process can be brutal, and no matter how good we think we are, there is always someone a little better or willing to take less pay. I have been reading other blogs about people who aren't happy with their current jobs, but fear the change that might ensue. The almighty "dollah" prevails! No one strives to live in a cardboard box.

I am fortunate that I actually like my job, but I still try to move ahead and must endure the internal processes that we have for these endeavors. I am currently awaiting news on a leadership program I applied for. The interview was over the telephone (which was weird because I couldn't see whether the interviewer was engaged (or laughing hysterically at my answers). The questions were "behavioral-based" meaning that you never know what the hell someone is looking for. You could shine or you could be labeled a deviant or miscreant. It's all in the eyes of the beholder.

So I will close in saying that if anyone is out there looking for a job right now, I feel for you. This is not for the faint of heart!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My First Posting!

After lurking behind the scenes at many other blogs, I decided that I should try my hand at this. Not that my life is that interesting, but because I feel that I there is not enough attention being paid to gay, Federal employees! OK, I am not an activist by any means, but I like what I am reading in other blogs and would like to force my way into that universe! Since I am new to this, forgive me if I make any social blunders. I am usually too busy living my life to be PC at all times. Besides, life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving (yes, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Auntie Mame). As I get used to this format, I will try to add interesting content that pertains to life in this humble little burg between Tacoma and Seattle. I will sign off now and try to make this purty!