It's interesting how we all say we want to do good and help out the world in some way, but that pesky standard of living we try to maintain gets in the way. Since I work for a social agency, I know that many folks live on far less than I make, but I still have to wonder how much more I could do if I didn't have to spend my money on frivolous desires.

Speaking of frivolous desires, last night T's sister had another figure competition. We got to drive to Bellevue and see lots of spray-tanned, half-naked flesh! T's sister has been doing these competitions for two years now, and she really works hard at it. She eats chicken and vegetables and egg whites and protein bars, and very little sugar, and no pasta or cheese (pretty much no dairy at all), and she says she enjoys life! I could not do that to myself, but she does look good.
(PS...the spray-tan looks great on stage, scary up close!)
T is on a crazy "let's not eat much" diet, too, but he is already too thin. I, alas, am carrying a few extra pounds who seem to have taken up permanent residence. Let us just say that when his family comes over, we pretty much only talk about dieting and exercise. Granted, I used to be a fitness instructor, but I no longer have a job that allows me to devote 2-3 hours a day on my appearance! I feel like singing "One of these things is not like the other" whenever we have a family function. I am trying my best now to exercise, but my metabolism isn't what it used to be. We shall see what happens!
So, in closing, for all of you who are raising funds for charity, your efforts are applauded and I hope you all exceed your goals! And for those who want to become figure competitors, I wish you a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese (in theory of course! You'll have to make do with some soy and broccoli!). Oh, what the heck...I'll eat it in your honor!
Thanks for thinking of me! And, I'm sure you were sending good thoughts during the Walk.
What is a "not eat much" diet? I doesn't sound healthy ... unless you're limiting things like fats and sugars and eating lots of yummy fresh vegetables! Mmmm.
Oh, it's a healthy enough diet, but he doesn't need to diet. We always have lots of veggies!!
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