Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Hunt for New Employment

Since I've been with the government almost 11 years, the only positions I ever applied for were promotions from within. I have received more than my fair share. My partner, on the other hand, has had to change jobs many times. He has been with the County for over five years, but is getting tired of the 60-mile a day commute in really bad traffic. So he is looking for employment closer...employment that is still with a government entity as I have been hounding him that he needs a pension! Because of my work, I hear too many sad stories of folks that don't plan ahead and end up with very little when they should be enjoying their golden years.

The point is, we have all been in that position where we need to find gainful employment. The interview process can be brutal, and no matter how good we think we are, there is always someone a little better or willing to take less pay. I have been reading other blogs about people who aren't happy with their current jobs, but fear the change that might ensue. The almighty "dollah" prevails! No one strives to live in a cardboard box.

I am fortunate that I actually like my job, but I still try to move ahead and must endure the internal processes that we have for these endeavors. I am currently awaiting news on a leadership program I applied for. The interview was over the telephone (which was weird because I couldn't see whether the interviewer was engaged (or laughing hysterically at my answers). The questions were "behavioral-based" meaning that you never know what the hell someone is looking for. You could shine or you could be labeled a deviant or miscreant. It's all in the eyes of the beholder.

So I will close in saying that if anyone is out there looking for a job right now, I feel for you. This is not for the faint of heart!

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