With Turkey Day safely nestled in the recesses of the mind, it's time to turn towards my favorite holiday of all...a week off of work! Oh, and Christmas, of course. The day after Thanksgiving, I did my annual "roof squat" and put up the lights! I use multi-color icicle lights...I think white icicle lights are kind of akin to lighting up a parking lot. T decided to put lights on our maple tree out front as well, and ruined a perfectly good ladder falling off of it. He was a little peeved when I did not offer my deepest sympathies to him, but he was only three feet off of the ground and I watched the whole thing unfold in front of me...he was not hurt in the least! Besides, I told him that he shouldn't try as the ground around the tree is not exactly flat and easy to place a ladder on. I'm mean apparently!
I have this week off and was thinking about doing some Christmas shopping. Thankfully, my list is incredibly short as both of our families are opting out of receiving presents. Most everyone is strapped for cash this year, and we are all over 30...not exactly waiting for Santa Claus to stop by! Unfortunately, my washing machine decided to not stop running and somewhat flooded our laundry and powder rooms. The repairman cannot make it until Friday (of course) and although I think I know what the problem is and could possibly fix it, I learned long ago that some things are better left to professionals. I can imagine a bigger flood should I try.
So, I went to a laundromat today for the first time in about 16 years. I now know why I haven't returned! Although this one was clean and the few people in it were friendly and benign, the fact that I had to lug three bags of wet towels (from sopping up the flood) across a parking lot and pray that there was nothing funny in any of the machines that would dye my towels or make me itch! Fun, fun! Turns out everything was uneventful and I brought the goodies home to dry! One shopping day now in the dust.I will be going into work tomorrow because one of my employees is giving a training session and I want to be there to support her. Then I get to have my oil changed (in the car...my oil is fine as far as I know!). I may get some shopping done, but it appears that my total loathing of traffic will mean that Wednesday will be my first venture into retail land.
Wish me luck!